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Grid Dynamics

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Grid Dynamics is the engineering IT services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.

Grid Dynamics is a new kind of technology service company focusing on the eCommerce industry. We offer technology solutions for next-generation eCommerce systems, particularly in the areas of core transaction processing, product search engines, personalization platforms, continuous delivery and private clouds. We render services in building scalable and high performance systems as well. We help customers such as Cisco, PayPal, eBay, Macy’s, ING and Microsoft create systems and products that handle exceptional peak loads, scale on demand and always stay up. Using the latest advances in grid and cloud computing we turn monolithic software into scalable services and static, underutilized server farms into virtualized compute clouds. The results: better performance, higher availability, faster time-to-market and much lower operational costs.Grid Dynamics was founded in 2006 and currently has five geographical locations: USA - California, Silicon Valley; Russia: St.Petersburg, Saratov; Ukraine - Kharkov; Poland - Krakow. Our tech team consists of over 400 software engineers and scientists who like tackling difficult problems, find new ways in dealing with complicated technology issues, influence technological and economical aspects of large US businesses success. Many of our engineers possess doctorate degrees and awards from International competitions such as TopCoder and the ACM World Championships.We value talent, professionalism, eagerness and ability to dig into the problem and find the most efficient solution. Collaboration is one of the key components for our success within the company and clients, so we foster teamwork a lot. We wait for experts who strive to move forward in a dynamic high tech environment and to work on bleeding-edge projects. In addition to our software engineering expertise and our great clients, there are a few important things that set Grid Dynamics apart from our competition.
We dedicate every day to helping our clients better serve their customers and growing their businesses. We believe that when preparation meets opportunity, great things can happen. And so we help our clients be prepared to respond to business imperatives in the most cost effective, timely and impactful manner by applying our end-to-end software engineering expertise with vision, understanding, clarity and agility.

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  Официальный сайт: www.griddynamics.com

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